Claremont Valley was the first area settled and cultivated by the British in the late 1600′s. The largest freshwater pond on the island was situated directly south of this valley. This would have made the area a central focal point for earlier Amerindian occupation as well, and later for the first Colonial settlements.
Origin of the Pineapple
Pineapple is thought to have come from somewhere in the area of Paraguay, South America. Virtually all commercial production world-wide consists of “Smooth Cayenne” selections (i.e. the ‘Dole’ pineapple). Our Antigua Black variety belongs to the “Queen” group and is renowned for it’s golden yellow flesh, crisp texture, low fibre, low acid, high sugar content, and delicious taste.
The Best Organic Noni Since 1985
Claremont Farms is producing Noni juice on the rich volcanic soils in the tropical rainforests of Antigua, West Indies. These are ideal conditions for growing Noni – all naturally – with no pesticides. We are processing 100% pure Noni juice in 16 oz labeled plastic bottles, available in cases of 24 bottles. Presently, we only have a distributor in Ontario, Canada though it will be more widely available in future.